According to researches substantial number of breaches are caused by social engineering attacks which uses phycological manipulation technique to disclose sensitive information from victims. These include by clicking on a link in an email or visiting a phishing website. Through this technique attackers again access systems and physical sites.
Humans have a natural sense of trust and want to be helpful. Social Engineers exploit these common human traits to achieve their objectives. As an organization, building a workforce with basic understanding of cyber-security practices is one of the best defenses you can build, so that staff can make prudent choices in their day today business. This practice of building security knowledge should be a continuous process not just one-off exercise.
CYBANATICS targeted cyber security training will benefit you whether you are looking to provide general cyber security awareness to your staff or concise training for varied audience. We can work together to customize the content according your need.
The duration of the presentation is 60 minutes; However, additional 30 minutes is recommended for Q&A. The presentation is tailored specifically to your company’s personnel, with emphasis on cyber security controls, procedures and best practices for preventing unauthorized disclosure.